What I need to do is actually update a test run for a certain test in a certain test set,
The test set changes every version we release.
As I understand I have to call the get all instances url with the filter of the test set ID an test ID (the displayed id’s) and retrieve the actual test id in the current test set.
I send the parameter “display-id” with the values of my display test set id and display test id in the following format:
And I found out that the test id is the (the 157) is a numeric count of the tests in the test set by their location,
The first would be 357:1 the second 357:2 , and this is also bad in cases I will insert more tests and change their location in the set.
The json that come back include the parameters I need and their names are : set-display-id and test-display-id you guys just did not open the filtering options for those parameters in your API, and this is exactly what I need.
Retrieving the instance ID by its : set-display-id and test-display-id.
Please advice.