PractiTest Discussion Forum

Steps are missing when creating a new test

When create a new test using API (following your guideline - Full API Documentation (Version 2) - PractiTest) the test is successfully created but contains no steps (there should be one). My JSON:

    "data": { 
        "type": "tests",
        "attributes": {
            "name": "Test_api_2",
            "author-id": 9197,
            "description": "test description",
            "steps": {
                "data": [ {"name": "step one", "description": "Step 1 description", "expected-results": "result"} ]

Is there something missing in my JSON? Thanks.


We did not detect anything missing in your JSON.

Please send us a link to test that was created but doesn’t include steps and we will check it.


My JSON (as well as your example) was not correct. ‘steps’ should be on the same level as ‘attributes’ (data/attributes and data/steps).

Fixed JSON:

"data": { 
	"type": "tests",
	"attributes": {
		"name": "TestForPractiTest2",
		"author-id": 9197,
		"description": "This test should contain one step, but does not..."
	"steps": {
		"data": [ {"name": "Step 1 name", "description": "Step 1 description", "expected-results": "Step 1 result"} ]	

Yes, you are right.

We will revise the documentation accordingly.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

No problem at all…


The documentation is revised accordingly.

Thanks again for letting us know!