PractiTest Discussion Forum

Product Update: Yes, we limited the number of instances in each Test Set to 2000

Hi PractiTesters!

So, just as the title suggests - in case you haven’t noticed, now there is a limit of how many Test Instances you can add to one Test Set.
Actually, I’m pretty sure that most of you haven’t noticed that, because we made a thorough research before applying this feature and found that most of our customers will not be affected by it.


  1. Your Test Sets with a number of instances above 2000 that you created before this limit are not affected! Every instance is where it was, and can be run as usual.
  2. If you have a certain methodological use case which requires a creation of Test Sets with more than 2000 instances - no worries! Please talk either to your Customer Success Manager, or just submit a ticket to Customer Support. We will analize the case and either suggest an alternative approach, or raise the limit to a needed number.
  3. Contact us anyway, even if you don’t need anything! We enjoy chatting with you.

Alex from PractiTest