PractiTest Discussion Forum

Jira Server and DC plugin version up to 2.4.x troubleshooting

If you are using an old Jira integration version (up to 2.4), we highly recommend you update the integration to version 3.x as explained here.

Here are the solutions for some common issues that might help you solve yours:

1. PractiTest is not updated with JIRA Issue’s status (pt_id is not initialized)
In order to have the two way integration working properly, all issues that should be connected to PractiTest must have the pt_id custom field pre-filled with a valid number.

To verify that this has been configured properly, please do the following:

  • Run a Test from PractiTest
  • Click “Fail and Issue” → this should open a new tab or window in your issue management system
    Verify that:
  • You are able to see the pt_id custom field in the opened window form.
  • The pt_id must be pre-filled with an auto-generated number.

If this is not the case, please repeat the relevant configuration stages described here

2. Not all necessary screens associated with the ‘pt_id’ custom field
In case your JIRA project that integrated with PractiTest has several boards or you have custom screens responsible for issue creation, you need to link the board’s screens or issue creation screens to the ‘pt_id’ custom field by going to JIRA Settings – Issues – Custom Fields – pressing the ‘settings’ icon next to the ‘pt_id’ field and adding the relevant screens to the field.