PractiTest Discussion Forum

Incorrect formatting in Test Sets

Line breaks look different in the preview (test library) than in test sets, especially with numbered lists.

Left side: Preview
Right side: Test Set

Hello Jonathan,
Can you please send us the exact text - all syntax included - for the investigation?

Thank you


1. First One
2. **Second** One
a Subitem
b) Subitem
2.1 **Subitem**
2.2 Subitem
3. Third One
* Subitem1
* **Subitem2**
4. Fourth

This is a notice.

5. Fifth


Thank you for the clarification.

Indeed it is a known current system limitation that we have - while our Steps Description and Expected Results fields have Markdown Syntax in a Test, the Run equivalents of the Steps do not have it.
We’re going to add a Markdown Syntax to Run fields in the future as well.

If you open an Issue with from the Run of a Test, all the repro steps - from Descriptions and Expected Resuls - will appear with Markdown syntax again in the Description field of an Issue itself