PractiTest Discussion Forum

Impossible to get free trial for me

on the page “Free Trial Sign Up - PractiTest Test Management” enter:

  1. Name * - my name, “somebody” for example
  2. Company Email * - my account, “” for example
  3. Company name * - “individual”
  4. Phone * - my russian phone number, +71231234567 for example
  5. Job Title * - “Test Lead | Manager”
  6. Industry * - “Internet|Tech…”
    then press “Register” button.

There is “The requested URL was not found on this server” error message and no email sent.

look here video plz:

Hello! This is Alex from PractiTest.

Please be informed, that you can sign up for the trial only by using a corporate email.
Hope to see you signing up soon!

Hi alex,
How can I sign up for the trial to PractiTest. I try this link, but nothing for sign up Free Trial Sign Up - PractiTest Test Management
Thank you.

Hello Nguyen,

Please see my response above.
