PractiTest Discussion Forum

How update Step_Runs object via API

According to API documentation, Step Runs has only GET method for getting steps of particular Runs but existing Step Runs can’t be changed via API. It can be done only on session authorization. For example, update the step status of Run.
Why Step Runs is changeable via web but it isn’t vi API?

Maybe you have a workaround for that?

Hello Sergiy!
The manual Run is an execution of known and defined existing Steps in the Test, and we provided an option to edit certain fields during this manual Run in case the tester finds some discrepancy between the original Steps and the actual state.
However, the creation of an automated Run is different. It already provides the whole information of execution results, which is not dependent on the existing Steps of a Test. Theoretically, the different information which is found later should lead to a creation of a new Run.

Can you please provide a description of a use case, which requires actually updating an automated Run already created in a system?

Alex from PractiTest