PractiTest Discussion Forum

Can I export Test Cases and all steps in a Test Set?

I have 851 test cases in a Test Set and I have worked out how to export all test cases but I want to only export the test cases in the test set. I have read about adding tags but I am hoping I can find a easier way that going to each individual test case and adding a tag or having to go through all 1000 test cases I have to find the 851 test cases.

Hi Andrew,
You should be able to do this in a couple of steps…

  1. Create a filter in the testsets module that will only give this testset (Eg st the criteria by name of your testset)
  2. Create a cross filter in the test library that has the criteria Cross filter is testset your newly created test set filter.
    You should see all the tests in your testset only.
  3. Create a report of type Test- Tabular with Steps and set the filter as your new test library filter.
    Hope this helps,

Yes thanks that worked perfectly :slight_smile: